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P1 Spider by LANZANTE

The images shown do not represent the actual vehicle. They are sourced from original photos provided by the dealership brand.


P1 Spider by LANZANTE



5 seats

8 speed AWD

475 Hp

4.0L Twin Turbo V8

Le McLaren P1 Spider par Lanzante incarne une fusion exceptionnelle entre la puissance lĂ©gendaire de la P1 et l’Ă©lĂ©gance dĂ©capotable habilement rĂ©alisĂ©e par Lanzante. PropulsĂ© par le groupe motopropulseur hybride emblĂ©matique, ce Spider en Ă©dition limitĂ©e reflète une philosophie centrĂ©e sur la performance, oĂą la conception aĂ©rodynamique et les performances exceptionnelles se conjuguent de manière harmonieuse. Chaque dĂ©tail de cette Ĺ“uvre d’ingĂ©nierie automobile illustre l’union parfaite entre la maestria de McLaren et l’expertise dĂ©capotable distinctive de Lanzante.

L’invitation Ă  l’expĂ©rience libĂ©ratrice de la conduite Ă  ciel ouvert dĂ©finit le caractère du P1 Spider. Au-delĂ  de son exclusivitĂ©, ce Spider transcende l’ordinaire des voitures de sport, offrant une dynamique de conduite audacieuse et un charme exclusif. C’est une cĂ©lĂ©bration de la route dĂ©capotĂ©e, une expĂ©rience rare qui incite les conducteurs Ă  savourer la libertĂ© tout en se dĂ©plaçant avec une agilitĂ© et une performance qui dĂ©finissent l’excellence automobile.

Ă€ l’intĂ©rieur du P1 Spider, chaque instant de conduite est enveloppĂ© dans un luxe exclusif, symbole de l’engagement de Lanzante envers la qualitĂ© et l’attention aux dĂ©tails. Avec des modes de conduite adaptatifs et une fabrication mĂ©ticuleuse, le P1 Spider est bien plus qu’une voiture dĂ©capotable. C’est une Ĺ“uvre d’art roulante, une expĂ©rience de conduite rare et luxueuse pour les connaisseurs en quĂŞte d’une combinaison parfaite entre ingĂ©nierie de pointe et Ă©motion pure.

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We have a strict due diligence procedure on both the buyer and the seller, to assure ourselves that both buyer and seller are authentic. This includes identification, company, and social media research, etc. Our lawyer requests all original documents and manufacturer invoices. We also provide a non-disclosure agreement that both parties must sign before sending any sensitive information.

The advantage of selling a car during the construction process is that the seller can earn a premium on the car without waiting for it to be delivered, which also benefits the buyer who gets the car at a lower premium when the car becomes physical. The premium is paid upon signing the agreement with our lawyers, which also includes the refund of the deposit and any other stage payment made to the manufacturer by the owner. Note that the contract signing only takes place once both buyer and seller are fully satisfied with the terms and each other.

Once the buyer has signed the sales contract, paid the seller’s premium through our lawyers, and refunded any deposit the seller has paid to the manufacturer, there may be further staggered payments to be made to the manufacturer. These payments must be made by the buyer in his or her name or on behalf of the seller. Our lawyers can handle these payments and provide a copy of the manufacturer’s receipt. In some circumstances, your own lawyer may make these staggered payments.

Once the buyer has signed the sales contract, paid the seller’s premium through our lawyers, and refunded any deposit the seller has paid to the manufacturer, there may be further staggered payments to be made to the manufacturer. These payments must be made by the buyer in his or her name or on behalf of the seller. Our lawyers can handle these payments and provide a copy of the manufacturer’s receipt. In some circumstances, your own lawyer may make these staggered payments.

Yes, you can pick up the car yourself, but it’s important to know that the car must be delivered in the name of the original owner, which means you pick up the car in the name of the original owner. In most cases, once you have taken delivery of the car, you can register it in your name. However, when the car needs a service, there has been a recall or an accident and the car needs to be sent to the manufacturer’s dealership, it must always be registered in the name of the initial owner until the end of the restriction period.

In most cases, the car must be picked up at the dealership where the original owner resides. However, this typically does not apply to cars ordered in Asia, which can be shipped to most countries requested by the original owner. Once the car has been picked up, it can be shipped to another country.

Most of the construction lots we sell are tax-free, allowing the buyer to pay the corresponding tax in the country where he or she intends to register the car.

Although this is extremely unlikely, it can happen, which is why we have provided a clause in the contract. In this case, a full refund from the seller to the buyer must occur within 10 business days of the notification.

In most cases, our construction lots can be configured to the buyer’s personal specifications. Many manufacturers have an online configurator, you just need to choose your specifications and submit them to us so we can get a cost for the options you have chosen. If the manufacturer does not have an online configurator, simply let us know your requirements and we will get a cost for these options if they are available.

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